
Feferi and Little (cute) Sollux

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▼: ) (i!
▲: hii my name i2 2owwux iim 3 2weep2 owd
▼: O) (, well aren't you cute!
▲: thank you, mii22
▲: that wa2 vewy nice two 2ay
▼: And t) (at was very polite of you to say!
▼: You're very mannered for someone your age.
▲: my wu2u2 towd me two away2 be nice to lady'2
▲: two
▼: Well, your lusus taught you very well, t) (en!
▼: taug) (t
▲: 2o may ii a2k youw name?
▲: mii22
▼: You sure can!
▼: I'm Feferi! Nice to meet you!
▲: fefewii?
▲: that2 a vewy pwetty name
▼: Mm-) (mm!
▼: T) (ank you v---ery much!
▲: how owd awe you, fefewii?
▼: 8 sweeps next perigee.
▲: oh wow
▲: awe you fwom the futuwe?
▼: Yea) (, time sure fli--es fast!
▼: Especially w) (en you're ) (having fun!
▲: huh?
▼: It's just been so long since I came ) (ere to the dream bubbles.
▼: It's so much fun ) (ere!
▲: iim gwad youw haviing fun, fefewii
▼: T) (ank you!
▼: I hope you're ) (aving fun w) (ere you are, too!
▲: not weawwy
▼: W) (y not?
▲: no one liike2 me
▲: they call me a fweak
▼: Because you're a psiioniic?
▲: they 2ay my eye2 are weiwd
▲: an my hown2
▼: O) (.
▲: ya
▼: If only I could have become queen, t) (at mig) (t not ) (ave ) (appened.
▼: Glub. :(
▲: iit2 not youw fauwt
▲: iim ju2t weiwd
▼: Well, ---ev---eryone is quirky in t) (ey're own way!
▼: Don't let it get you down, okay? :)
▲: okay
▲: thank2 fefewii
▼: Good!
▼: Someone as young as you s) (ouldn't be sad!
▼: You're too cute to be sad! :)
▲: youw weawwy niice
▼: W) (y t) (ank you!
▲: youw mate2priite ii2 2o wucky two have you
▲: mate2pwiite
▼: O) (, you'll know soon enoug) ( just ) (ow luck!
▼: ;)
▲: huh?
▲: what do you mean?
▼: Not) (ing!
▲: but fefewii
▼: Yes?
▲: ii wouwd wike two know
▲: pwea2e
▼: You'll learn in few years, I promise!
▼: sweeps, I mean.
▲: but
▲: but but but
▼: T) (ose humans rubbed off on me more t) (an I realised!
▼: Don't worry yourself about it just yet.
▼: You need to concentrate on ot) (er t) (ings!
▼: Like developing you're psiioniic powers!
▲: my powew2?
▼: Rig) (t!
▼: I try not to give such casual spoilers, but I'll let you in on one t) (ing.
▲: okay
▲: what?
▼: Wit) ( t) (ose "weird eyes" that you get made fun of all t) (e time comes with amazing telekinetic powers!
▼: T) (at means you'll be able to move stuff, just wi) ( your mind!
▲: weawwy?
▼: Yup!
▲: that2 cool!
▼: V---ery cool!
▼: I've seen it at work a few times myself!
▲: then peopwe wiww wike me!
▼: Maybe.
▼: But for people to like you, you have to have more than just your powers.
▼: You need to use t) (ose powers to ) (elp people!
▲: hewp peopwe?
▼: Rig) (t!
▼: By ) elping ot) (ers, you're sure to gain respect!
▲: but
▼: Yes?
▲: ii dont know, fefewii
▼: Don't know w) (at?
▲: op22e ii got two go!
▼: Aww, bye, t) (en!
▼: I ) (ope you have lots of fun!
▲: buh byeeeee
▲: you two fefewii
▼: By------e!
▲: 2ay hii two youw mate2pwriite
▲: fow me!
▼: Rig) (t.
▼: I'll try.
▲: thank2 fef!
▼: T) (anks for talking wit) ( me! :)
▼: Little sollux!
▲: heehee you two fef
▲: thank2
▼: No problem!

That little Sollux was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost didn\'t want to staop talking with him!!!!!!

Oh, and in case it wasn't clear, I was Feferi, and the random stranger was the little Sollux. Ohhh, they were SOOOO cute!!! (The reason Feferi is 8 sweeps old is because that's how old she WILL be in a few sweeps, just bouncing through the dream bubbles!! :) )

But crap, I couldn't think of any fish puns in there. -_-

Anyway, how do you guys think we were in-character???? :D

(btw, here's the log, with color coding and everything: [link])

Please comment!!! For cutie Sollux???? :D
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